Monday, February 11, 2013


Yesterday after classes, lunch and a siesta:] Taylor and I went over to the Knapps and hung out with them for a while before we went into Madrid with Vicki to do a walk for our Madrid Walks class. We did the Medieval one so that was fun. Later that night we all got together at the Knapp’s and watched Hitch so that was way fun. Today we met early at the Knapp’s house to catch the bus to head up to Segovia. We passed snow in the mountains! I had forgotten what that stuff was… The city was very beautiful; the yellow and orange buildings reminded me of Tuscany in Italy so that was really pretty. The town is known for the Roman Aqueduct that they have there. Back in the day it used to be 15 Kilometers long which was very impressive. It is still beautiful to this day. After walking around some plazas in the town and the Jewish Quarters we went and saw the Alcazar. This castle is what Disney modeled the castle in Disney World after! Our tour guide was telling us about how Walt Disney’s grandparents were Spanish and the original drawings for the castle were just like this castle here, but the final product ended up having some things switched around. But still! So cool. Considering it was super cold we didn’t stay too much longer in the city after the tour. We drove down below the Alcazar to be able to see it from a different view. From down there it looked a lot like Hogwarts! So naturally we found sticks to use as our wands and I was Luna Lovegood of course and we talked in British accents:] I love Harry Potter. After we got back to Alcala we had a surprise birthday party for Sarah. We had quesadillas and guacamole and cake and ice cream. It was so fun hanging out and playing games with all of these people here I seriously feel so blessed being able to spend three months with all of them.

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